送料無料カットソー レディース 長袖Tシャツ 細身 T
綿100% 長袖 七分袖 tシャツ レディース 綿100 インナー
| カシュクール ロングTシャツ 長袖Tシャツ 綿100% tシャツ
送料無料カットソー レディース 長袖Tシャツ 細身 T
| ガールズ インナー キッズ カットソー 長袖Tシャツ 子供
愚かな人だけが良い関係を築く - \u003cブラック- ニュートラルTシャツ
/ Brand Hong Kong "Island Square Research" /
This small island famous brands from Hong Kong where - Cheung Chau founded by two designers are native to the island's original inhabitants because they wanted to bring you the story of this island so the island in the creation of this innovative brand of experimental workshops to Richangshenghuo inspiration in the ideas goals to create a different plan of unique products sold in countries where.
/ swell / bubble / Bald wave printing long-sleeved shirt and Project 4: Island Girl /
Project 4: Island girl
Island Square Research Project 4 finally formed quickly put the first part of the Project is released. In our minds island girl has a hearty direct sunshine factor so in order to create a broad-brush elements centrally.
This is the first part of the island in Project 4 girls:
in high school years I told my friends like to hang around the beach after school aimlessly watching the sea.
for some time which we call "see the sea days" later in this series design data collection do know ... if there really is a movie called "see the sea of life."
thus the surge / bubble / waves become bald clothes prints to "see the sea days" presented.
like to thank the three of us a little older Cheung Chau mother three young girls in Cheung Chau our point let us photo-shoot this series costumes; there is for us to write this word in Teshima island girl friends great thank!
three printing: swell / bubble / Bald wave printing
White (Blue Print) / Green (White Pearl Print) / Black (Black Pearl Print)
original price of $ 1450 NT
now special $ 720 NT
otherwise the same net colored long-sleeved shirt (black white green)
original price of $ 1150 NT
now special $ 580 NT
/ material /
100% all-cotton cloth